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15 Skincare Affirmations to Include in Your Routine


Every year, people all around the country partake in the New Year's resolution ritual. Diets, workouts, travel, and job objectives are just a few of the possibilities! However, one of the most typical concerns is one's health. Have you considered your New Year's health resolutions? Did you remember to add your skin? Whether you did or not, we recommend that you incorporate the following positive skin affirmations into your current or future skin care routine.


Changing Your Skin with Positive Affirmation

Positive affirmations are a tried-and-true method for manifesting positive thoughts. Affirming something confirms that it exists or is true. Repeating this process will empower and drive you to live up to those realities. Affirmations that are positive are a crucial element of manifesting. Why not incorporate this technique into your skin-care routine? The positive skin affirmations below will undoubtedly help you fall in love with yourself and your skin all over again this year!


15 Positive Skin Affirmations

1. I have glowing and radiant skin

2. My skin is beautiful and I love it

3. I trust my skin's healing process

4. I eat healthy food that is good for my skin

5. I treat my skin gently and with love

6. My skin is smooth, soft and healthy

7. I protect my skin by wearing sunscreen

8. I enjoy taking care of and spending time with my skin

9. My skin is naturally healthy and unblemished

10. I completely love my skin no matter what

11. My skin gets clearer every day

12. I am blessed with lines, wrinkles, and marks that tell my story

13. My skin takes care of me and I take care of it

14. I love my skin and don’t want anybody else’s

15. I love my skin, it is my best friend and I treat it with care and respect

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